Seated Forward Bend Pose – Paschimotanasana
- Hold your position
- Become aware of your mental programs
- Test your patience through this mind game – Don’t rush anywhere, but be aware of the present moment and enjoy it
- Respect your boundaries
- Have fun clearing all the programs from your head
Benefits of Paschimotanasana
- Redirecting attention to our inner world (our attention should be directed to the front of the chest).
- Pressing and massaging the organs of the upper abdomen (the pressure, massage and fresh blood flow provided by forward flaps have a positive effect on the abdominal organs including the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas and intestines).
- These positions of the body stimulate digestion and detoxification – they remove waste materials and toxins from organs and body tissues, by pressing they support the complete expulsion of air from the lungs, and they also have a calming effect on the nervous system.
- The pinch position stretches the spine, shoulders and lower thighs, soothes headaches and reduces mental and physical fatigue.
- The flap position works great for people with high blood pressure.
- It takes time, practice and patience to master these exercises! Do not try to push or force your body into these poses as you may injure your back or hamstrings!
- Stick to poses that are at your skill level and only go as far as you can comfortably handle, especially if you are a beginner or have an injury!
Seated Forward Bend Pose Instructions
Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Pull out the seat halves so that the pelvis “fits” as well as possible into the base, and place your hands on your thighs. Inhale and exhale as you draw in your stomach and move into a slight fold while stretching your back, shoulders, torso and neck. Try to keep your back straight, pull your shoulders down and lengthen your neck up.
Each exhalation and inhalation will serve to gradually descend lower and lower as the whole body slowly relaxes. Breathe consciously and deeply. It is advisable to stay in this position for 1 to 3 minutes. When coming out of the position, gradually return the body to a neutral sitting position.
Paschimotanasana Variations
One leg is bent at the knee so that the arch of the foot touches the heel of the opposite leg (the foot as close as possible to the pubic bone and the opposite leg). The knee is relaxed to the side while the other leg is extended.
Take a breath. With exhalation, bend the torso and enter the fold, and the hands should follow the line of the leg, which is stretched. If your back is shortened, rest your hands on your shins or thighs.
Another variation of the Seated forward bend asana refers to the same position, with the fact that this time the hands can be in the Namaskar position behind the back. To increase the stretch of the back and shoulder girdle, the hands can be behind the back while one hand hugs the bent knee so that the shoulder and armpit region are as close as possible to that knee.
If any of this is difficult for you, simply stretch out both legs, place your palms on your thighs, straighten your back and hold the position for a short while breathing deeply into your belly.