
The Role of a Doula in Birth

A doula – an invaluable source of support, gentle guidance, and a companion through the magical moment of birth.

Yoga breathing

Yoga breathing means awareness of the breath, more precisely raising this simple and innate human action to a higher level. Read more!

Meditation for beginners

Take a body position with an upright spine, concentrate on relaxing your body, determine your object of meditation and begin to meditate. Read more!

Breathing Techniques

Different types of rhythmic deep breathing techniques have a beneficial effect on the mind and body, and their goal is to strengthen the connection between…

Is yoga just for women?

Yoga as an ancient art knows no differences in gender, age, or race. To do Yoga, it does not matter if you are men, or…

Joga za penzionere

Yoga for Seniors

The oldest yoga instructor, Tao Porch-Lunch, (94 years old) says that yoga brightens her every day, & the people around her are always smiling. Read…

How Long Should I Practice Yoga

When we talk about the time it takes to see the results in action, what every woman can immediately notice when it comes to yoga…

joga i deca

Yoga for Kids

Yoga for children is a wide range of yoga positions and techniques for relaxation. Children learn about breathing techniques and their importance, practice correct…

Yoga at Work

You must be wondering how it is possible to practice Yoga at work. A lot of people say, “Doesn’t that require free time?” Yes, but…

Yoga in Pregnancy

Practising yoga during pregnancy has proven to be a very good way for a pregnant woman to stay in good shape, maintain her health and…

What is Yoga?

There are many prejudices surrounding the term YOGA today. Some believe that it is a set of physical exercises, others that it is only a…