Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pay the monthly membership fee?
You can pay the monthly membership fee:
- To a bank account in Serbia
- Via Pay pal
- By transferring money via Western Union (if you are outside the borders of Serbia)
- Online by card payment (it is necessary to register on the Patreon platform and make a payment there)
For additional information, fill out the contact form or send us an email and we will contact you as soon as possible.
How do I attend a Tiki Yoga event?
Attendance at the event is confirmed with a payment of the full amount of the donation, or by sending an inquiry by email or contact form, and according to the conditions specified for each event separately.
If the amount of the donation is not provided for the event, registration via the contact form, email or info phone is sufficient.
How do I schedule a private session (consultation)?
To schedule a private session in addition to the payment options offered on the page for each specific session, you can fill out the contact form or send us an email with questions about the desired session.
After we receive your request, we will contact you and instruct you on the next steps of scheduling the date and methods of payment for the donation.
How do I join an online scheduled class?
To join the desired online class, you need to send us an inquiry via the contact form or email, where you will indicate which group you want to join.
After that, we will provide you with the information about the membership fee that needs to be paid and a zoom / patreon link to join the group. It is necessary to access the live zoom platform 15 minutes early due to technical synchronization and possible connection problems.
*It is necessary to have the zoom / patreon application installed on your phone or computer. You can view the installation instructions at this link.
How do I become a member of the Tiki Yoga Studio?
You gain the status of a regular member of the Tiki Yoga Studio by paying the annual membership fee and filling out the registration form with the necessary membership information. Regular members have discounts on the products and services of our associates and members of the Cheerful Venus team, as well as special benefits for the events we organize. You can send the application to the e-mail where you will state that you are applying for the annual membership of the Tiki Yoga Studio.
How do I become a member of the Cheerful Venus team?
You can become a member of the Cheerful Venus team by sending an email to where you will write that you want to become part of the Cheerful Venus team and what inspired you to work and share your passion with people. This is followed by an interview that ensures we will find out more about you and your motives and ideas. We look forward to meeting the new Venuses who are shining for other people!
Can I schedule a live class on site?
Yes, you can. Our studio is located in Bor. You can reserve your place by calling the info contact phone 061 133 72 60.
What do I need in terms of training equipment?
- For a yoga class you need good willpower to start. If you have your own rug or yoga mat, you can bring it. If you don’t have one, you will get one when you arrive at the class.
- Bring your own towel, which you can put over the mat to make yourself more comfortable and ready to exercise. If you have trouble doing yoga barefoot, bring extra clean socks with you for class.
- A bottle of water will help you stay hydrated during your workout.
What is the desirable behavior of a yoga practitioner in the sports hall?
In order to maintain the desirable behavior of a yoga practitioner in the sports hall please:
- Arrive ten minutes early so you can change, find your place to exercise, and set up your mat
- Avoid being late on class
- Bring your yoga mat if you have one, if you don’t have, we will provide it for you
- Mute the phone before entering the class
- Please reduce communication during exercise to a minimum. If you have a question for the instructor, and it concerns the specific performance of the pose or breathing technique, feel free to ask. If the question can be postponed until the end of the class, please wait and consult your instructor later.
- Please keep locker room time to a minimum in respect for all exercisers.
- It is recommended that you spend the period after class (walking home) in peace and contact with yourself, becoming aware of and absorbing the effects of the yoga classes.
- If you consume cigarettes, abstain from them before and after class, thus multiplying the effects of the detox on the body and all the other benefits that the yoga class gives you.
- It is absolutely forbidden to consume alcohol before class, and it is not desirable even after class because circulation is increased and alcohol will have more destructive effects on you than if you had not exercised and you decided to consume alcohol.
- If you have a health problem and you are in yoga class for the first time, it is necessary to talk to the instructor about your health condition before the class so that the instructor can refer you to a yoga style that is suitable for your health condition or adjust the exercise plan according to your condition.
- It is not advisable to eat two hours before yoga class in order to avoid nausea and to feel light during the exercise.
- It is advisable to take a shower before class and wear clean exercise clothes.
Yoga class is an opportunity for a deeper relationship with yourself and your body.
Which Yoga style is right for me?
Depending on your health condition, desires, goals, current fitness condition and age, you can choose one of the offered styles after being informed about what types of yoga are offered by the Tiki Yoga studio and consulting with an instructor.
It may be best to attend a trial class for the type of yoga that seems appropriate for your needs before you definitely decide whether you like it or not.
There are different types of yoga that suit different age groups and levels of mobility, so for that reason you should get better acquainted with the existing styles, and then choose the one that suits your sensibility, desires and possibilities.
Can I practice yoga if I have health problems?
If you have any health problems, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before starting yoga practice about whether yoga is suitable for you or not. If the answer is yes, it is also necessary to talk to the yoga instructor before the start of the class and point out your health problems.
Can I get hurt in yoga classes?
As in any other training, so in yoga class, it is necessary to do the exercises consciously, with attention to your body and within your limits, without excessive effort in order to reduce the possibility of any injury during training.
If you have any injuries from before, you are obliged to report it to the instructor BEFORE the start of the training, and it is best at the first consultation when you announce that you are coming to class. It is necessary to respect personal limits and possibilities in order to prevent injuries, and to be able to release ego programs through the body and get the most out of yoga classes.
Is yoga only for flexible people?
This is one of the prejudices that often accompanies yoga practice because after a long time of practicing yoga techniques, some people gain great flexibility of the body and the ability to bring their body into unusual positions.
Yoga is not only for flexible people. On the contrary, yoga can and is done by people who do not have any flexibility and are ready to change that.
Is yoga safe for pregnant women?
Prenatal yoga is highly recommended for pregnant women and expectant mothers because it has proven to be a very important step towards a better psycho-physical condition of the pregnant woman as well as the development of the fetus. Yoga for pregnant women is a great solution for a pregnant woman to stay vital, maintain a healthy body, eliminate anxiety and prepare for childbirth. It is necessary for every pregnant woman to consult with her doctor before starting yoga classes during pregnancy.
Is yoga only for women?
No, yoga is not just for women. Yoga, as a specific ancient skill, does not recognize any differences in gender, age or race. Yoga has been practiced by women, men and children for centuries. According to your health condition, a yoga instructor can recommend an adequate yoga style that will meet your needs and provide the desired results.
Does yoga have age limits?
There are no age limits in yogic practice. As long as you are willing to develop and improve the quality of your life. As long as you have the willpower and you are disciplined, yoga will not let you down.
Yoga as a preventative is a good choice because with yoga practice you stay healthy and vital, and your body stable and strong. Trainings for the older adult population are adapted and even have a therapeutic effect on many chronic ailments. Older practitioners perform yoga poses lightly and gently, paying attention to the limitations and possibilities of each practitioner individually. Read more about this topic here.
How long do I need to practice to solve a problem?
- Practice has shown that physical results can be noticed in the first month, while psychological changes begin to be noticed in the first three months.
- After six months to a year, we can witness drastic changes in the state of consciousness, changes in old habits, ways of thinking, recognition and familiarity with bodily sensations, translating into faster and more effectively attaining a state of relaxation and reducing stress, correcting body weight, shaping the body and more.
- If you are committed, consistent and disciplined, the results may surprise you. Don’t forget the most important thing – each of us starts from completely different positions! Yoga class is here to teach us to challenge ourselves every day, to be at least a little better today than yesterday..
Why is yoga good for children?
It is very interesting for children that the yoga positions that are performed are called by animal names, and the performance itself is a bit reminiscent of the position or movement of animals in nature. Yoga for children is a specific way of expression that allows them to be themselves and free.
Children experience yoga class in a fun way because the class is designed to be interesting and it follows the “impulse” by which children communicate, thus creating an authentic, creative and inspiring environment in which children gain greater security, confidence and enjoy exercise.
Yoga for children involves a wide range of methods, techniques and skills that children can apply later in practice. The whole spectrum forms a totality that provides children with a better environment in which their full potential will come to expression. Read more about this topic here.
Does yoga practice conflict with any religion?
Yoga is an ancient Indian discipline, which originated more than 4000 years ago. Yoga is not a religion and does not conflict with any other religion as such.
The goal of yoga, as an Eastern philosophy of life, is to relax the body, deal with subconscious patterns of the mind and improve the quality of life. Yoga encourages a state of harmony within oneself and harmony with one’s environment.
Can I practice yoga at work?
Corporate yoga (yoga at work), as a practical and useful method, can be used daily to achieve the mental and physical health of employees.
Specially designed exercise programs are intended to develop the team spirit of employees and raise their productivity. After mental exhaustion, physical and mental relaxation contributes to creating a stimulating and healthy environment in which employees work.
Practicing yoga at work is very useful, so it is increasingly being implemented in companies and organizations.