Lotus Pose – Padmasana
The lotus position is considered the most ideal position for realizing a person’s integral personality. It belongs to a more advanced position for meditation.
Asanas represent the physical practice of yoga – more precisely, the positions that the body takes during the performance of yoga exercises.
Yoga poses are performed to improve the flexibility, strength and balance of the body. With dedicated practice, over time, the body will experience noticeable improvements, but asanas are not meant to be just physical poses, but are used holistically, as mind-body exercises, to improve physical, mental and spiritual health.
Knowing the benefits of each type of asana
will help you perfect and deepen the skill of performing yoga exercises.
Although there is no definitive way to categorize yoga positions, i.e. asanas, we distinguish the main physical divisions: standing, sitting, lying on the back, lying on the stomach, twisted, balance, asanas for strengthening the core, forward bends, back bends, opening the hips, side bends, inversions and meditative positions.
The lotus position is considered the most ideal position for realizing a person’s integral personality. It belongs to a more advanced position for meditation.
It stimulates the work of the thyroid gland, thymus, pituitary gland, adrenal gland and pineal gland. It boosts and strengthens the immune system.
It strengthens the musculature of the legs, arms and spine. Improves concentration and focus. It affects willpower and increases endurance.
This asana has a wide range of health benefits as it affects the flexibility of the spine, tones the internal organs, improves digestion and relieves back pain.
With the help of focus and observation from the inside, a new foundation of self-awareness and self-control is built.
The starting position, Tadasana which generally precedes all other asanas, serves us to center our power, channel vital energy and prepare for meditation.
Meditative position the Turkish Sitting Pose or relaxation pose is a position for awakening complete presence, a complete sense of uniqueness and awareness of ourselves and everything that surrounds us.
It can be extremely pleasant because it has a beneficial effect on the health of the back muscles, as well as reduces and eliminates fatigue in the legs and calms the breath.
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Allow yourself to feel good in your own skin, find time for yourself, play, rejoice, smile and awaken a sense of gratitude.
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