Chair Pose – Utkatasana
- Turn your attention inward
- Summon unconditional love into your heart
- Give yourself attention and care
- Rely on your steadfastness, strength, endurance and focus.
With the help of focus and observation from the inside, a new foundation of self-awareness and self-control is built. Attention is strengthened and thus the time of wakefulness is extended and more permanent awareness is learned. The Chair yoga pose is one of the beginner but extremely challenging asanas as it requires focus, mental strength and determination as well as conscious breathing.
Through asanas that are more challenging, you learn how to better understand your body, emotions and belief system. This is an excellent exercise for those who lack willpower, self-confidence, clarity as well as additional motivation for growth and development.
Chair Pose Benefits
- Strengthens the heart muscle; stimulates the diaphragm and abdominal muscles.
- Tones the leg muscles.
- Strengthens the muscles of the hips, ankles, pelvis and back.
- Stretches the chest and shoulders.
- Strengthens the muscles along the spine.
- Reduces the symptoms of flat feet.
- Strengthens the knee joints.
- Improves posture.
- It affects our attention and concentration.
- Develops mental balance.
If you have problems with your knees or your balance center, perform the exercise carefully or use the wall as support! This asana is not recommended for those with low blood pressure or a hip, knee or back injury!
Instructions for Chair Asana
The starting position is the mountain position (Tadasana). With an inhale, raise your arms above your head with your palms facing each other. As you exhale, bend your knees trying to keep your thighs parallel to the floor as much as possible. Pull your hips in slightly.
The knees should be above the feet (do not cross the line of the feet). The trunk is slightly tilted forward. Hold the shoulder blades firmly, and lower the back of the thighs towards the floor. You pull yourself up with your hands. Breathe consciously and deeply while standing in the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
The resting position is the mountain position (Tadasana). You can repeat the exercise several times.
Asana Chair Variations
Easy version
For those who find the exercise challenging, they can use the wall as support for the pelvis and hips. Place your hands at eye level in front of you, and lean your torso forward so that your chest is in a vertical line with your knees.
With your feet together, enter the chair position, lower your torso, rest your stomach on your thighs, lower your left hand to your right foot, and raise your right hand above your head and open your chest (you can repeat the same with the other hand).
Lower your stomach with your thighs, join your palms and rotate your torso to the left, place your right upper arm over your left thigh and stay in position (you can repeat the same on the other side).
More advanced version
Place the foot of one leg on the thigh, get into a chair position while leaning on one leg, the trunk goes forward, and rest the hands on the bent leg. The palms can be joined in front of the chest.