Garland Pose – Malasana
(mala in Sanskrit – wreath, rosary)
What are fears and where do they come from? It is said that our fears are hidden in the stomach and thighs, therefore this or any other asana that involves opening the hips can help us to remove the fears that we have.
Opening the hips and hip muscles are important for releasing emotions of control and opening yourself up for the birth of new ideas, pleasure and new creations. If we release control, we are free to express all aspects of our human creativity and our hips should move easily without difficulty or pain.
The more we try to regain control over our own lives or to control others, the tighter our hips become and the worse we feel. In this regard, through certain asanas, we learn how to release and awaken inner peace.
Fears are nothing but ordinary thoughts deep in our mind, they can often hold us back and limit us in reaching and fulfilling our desires. Realize that you have the power to choose your thoughts. Choose love over fear. It is love that with its energy clears all fears from our mind.
Call upon the energy of the Sun that carries the Infinite Power of eternal radiance and feel safe in the light. The Venza position known as the deep yogic squat position is the position most often used as a warm-up exercise.
Malasana Benefits
- Stretching of the groin and hip adductor muscles, stretching of the back, Achilles heels and the area of the gluteal region.
- Strengthening the thigh, back, stomach, joints and increasing the range of motion in one of the most mobile joints, which is the hip joint.
- It has a beneficial effect on pain in the lower back during the menstrual cycle in women.
- This is another asana that calms our heart and mind and improves our concentration.
- Perform the exercise carefully and without sudden movements to avoid knee or shoulder injury.
- It helps in raising awareness and removing fears.
People with knee or joint problems are advised to perform this asana with caution! This position is not recommended for people who have a herniated disc (prolapsed intervertebral disc) or lower back injury!
How to Do Garland or Squat Pose?
The starting position is squatting with legs apart. Determine the width of your feet by placing your palms on the floor and measuring the width of your two palms. Try to keep the whole foot on the floor. If you are unable to do this, place a mat or a folded blanket under your heels.
Inhale and join your palms (Namaskar position), place your upper arms between your knees and push them to the side, then with an exhale, slowly lean forward and push your thighs to the side so that you open your hips as much as possible.
Breathe deeply and engage your stomach, allowing yourself to relax into the position. When you come out of the pose, you can put your hands on the floor and your head on your knees. If this is difficult for you, rest your hands on the floor and slowly lift your hips with a breath and enter a standing position. Get up slowly and without haste. Hold squat pose from 30 seconds to several minutes.
Variations of Garland Pose
Variations of the Squat pose are based on changing the position of the hands depending on your abilities and skills. Hands can be joined in front or behind you in Namaskar position. You can rest them on the floor in front of you or hug your feet so that your hands are on the inside of your thighs. You can also interlace your hands in front of you (garuda position).