The lecture “Joyful Venus”
The lecture “Joyful Venus” was held on May 18th at 6 p.m. in the Youth Center in Bor.
Invitation to all those who want to feel their body and reconnect with their worth. Venus in the body speaks about the feeling of being loved, supported, our relationship with ourselves, our inner child, the way we love, and how we are treated in relationships…
Remember your magnificent nature!
Speaker Željka Zdravković
- She spoke about transgenerational traumas/beliefs and discussed the topic of romantic relationships from the perspective of the attachment theory model with parents.
- She emphasized the importance of physical creation and exercise during pregnancy, encouraging seeking help regarding postpartum recovery, with a strong focus on supporting women and families dealing with postpartum depression.
- The lecture covered topics of psychosomatics and the impact of stress on immunity.
- We also touched upon regression, karmic relationships, and spiritual techniques for working with fears.
- Guests had the opportunity to ask questions about how hypnotherapy functions, the role of a doula during childbirth, how to use body movement and voice to channel emotional charges, the existence of past lives, and much more…
Željka Zdravković is a yoga instructor (multiple styles of yoga), hypnotherapist, and doula. She holds a master’s degree in healthcare management and is currently contributing to scientific research through her doctoral thesis in the field of innovative models of healthcare for pregnant women and mothers. Her professional and personal path revolves around helping and supporting women, motherhood, and children in creating healthy and conscious individuals.