Half Lord of the Fish Pose – Ardha Matsyendrasana
- My will is strong and endless
- I consciously choose my thoughts
- I calm my mind, I regenerate
The name of this asana is derived from Sanskrit; Ardha means “half,” matsya means “fish,” indra means “king,” and asana “pose.” The full name of this position is “half king of fish.” This asana has a wide range of health benefits as it affects the flexibility of the spine, tones the internal organs, improves digestion and relieves back pain.
It also beneficially stimulates the solar plexus which governs our self-esteem, will power and self-discipline. The energization of this energy center helps a deeper understanding of everything that surrounds us as well as the influence of the outside world on our inner creation and creativity. Regular practice of this asana awakens the power of vital energy.
Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana
- It calms the mind and relieves the spine of tension.
- It improves blood circulation in the spine.
- It massages the internal organs.
- Relieves menstrual pain.
- It improves bowel function and speeds up digestion.
- It detoxifies the body.
- It strengthens the nervous system and relieves stress.
- Improves mobility and flexibility in the joints.
- Improves circulation.
- Prevents kidney and prostate disease.

- Avoid this asana during pregnancy.
- People who have had recent abdominal or heart surgery should not practice this position.
- People who have a hernia should perform the exercise carefully, and if you have serious problems with your spine, do not practice this asana.
Half King of the Fish Asana Instructions
Sit and cross the right leg over the left; place your right foot next to the knee of your left leg. The right leg slides as close to the buttocks as possible, and the left leg is bent.
Place your right elbow on the outside of your left knee with your hand pointing up, creating a twist in your torso. Repeat the same on the opposite side. Breathe naturally in the position, and you can also practice deeper belly breathing. Hold the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Variations of Half King of the Fish Asana
An easier variant is if one leg is stretched at the knee joint while the other is crossed over.
A more difficult variation of asana Half king of the fish is holding your hands behind your back while in rotation. If you are rotated to the left, the right hand passes between the left leg and connects with the left hand behind the back. In order to successfully perform this movement, you need greater mobility, ie mobility in the shoulder joint.