Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana
- Calm the mind, release resistance through breathing
- Focus on the points of contact with the surface
- Summon your inner strength
- Awaken courage in your heart
The Law of Clarity states that if we know what we want to achieve in life, have a clear intention and purpose, we can achieve our desires and achieve clarity that will reflect on our intentions, beliefs and feelings. When we carry clarity on the inside, then it is easier for us to be clear on the outside through our decisions, actions and achievements.
Through clarity, we clear the path before us and are clear in understanding our desires. Today, feel free to express the love that will bring courage to your heart, and everything you do, you will do with love.
The cobra position as one of the most important asanas not only helps us to strengthen the back muscles, but also by opening the chest we activate inner strength, courage and awaken our energy.
Asana Cobra Benefits
- Stretches and strengthens the spine, shoulders, lungs, abdomen and thighs.
- Soothes sciatica, massages back muscles.
- Massages the internal organs and improves digestion.
- Opens the heart and purifies the lungs (it works therapeutically for asthma).
- Stimulates the function of the thyroid gland and the nervous system.
- Regulates kidney function.
- It removes tension, fears and awakens inner strength and courage.
- Lifts the mood, increases the energy level.
- Improves respiratory and cardiovascular endurance.
- Shrugged shoulders! In the cobra pose, the shoulders should be lowered as far as possible from the ears, as if we are trying to pull the head and neck out of the shoulders!
- Pay attention to the elbows, we are not doing push-ups!
- The head is in the continuation of the spine!
- Feet are flat on the floor – don’t lift your feet!
- People who have lower back injury or abdominal hernia as well as major wrist injuries are not recommended to perform this asana!
- Pregnant women should not do this exercise because of the pressure on the stomach!
Instructions for Performing Cobra Asana
Lie on your stomach, rest your hands on the floor under your shoulders. With an inhale, bend your head and then your upper body to your hips, trying to make your elbows touch your body. The legs are stretched along the entire length. Stay in the position for 10-15 seconds and breathe normally, then slowly lower yourself towards the floor with the exhalation.
Cobra Pose Variations
Yoga pose cobra has several variations, each of which is correct and more than good for your organism. There is a low and a tall cobra, a cobra with the palms placed under the shoulders or palms placed next to the waist, as well as a cobra with legs folded or spread. Each of these cobras differs in difficulty of execution.
An easier version of this asana is with the elbows under the shoulders while the hands are on the floor in line with the elbows.