Warrior Pose – Virabhadrasana
Warriors are active positions that require strength, steadfastness and fierce determination to maintain integrity. There are several variations of the warrior pose and each of them involves the work of large muscle groups in our body, the energy centers are awakened, and with the help of these asanas we awaken a sense of stability and deep inner strength.
Warrior yoga poses help our body develop physical strength, but it is also a spiritual expression of the inner battles between the mind and the heart.
Yoga, as such, is specific and different from other skills because it does something that sometimes we are not even aware of, and that is to influence our inner body and often shows us how much strength we carry inside us, without even realizing it.
These asanas are one of the examples that show us in action the reflection of our strength and steadfastness.
Virabhadrasana Benefits
- Strengthens and stretches legs and ankles.
- Stretches the groin, chest, lungs and shoulders.
- Stimulates the work of internal organs.
- Strengthens our mental structure, awakens inner potentials and strength.
- Strengthens endurance and will.
- Relieves back pain.
- Increases stamina and balance.
- Stimulates metabolism.
- Eliminates stress in the shoulder area.
- It relaxes the mind and body.

People with neck problems should look forward, not to the side of the arm! In case of spine problems, perform this pose with caution! Use the wall support if you have knee pain or suffer from arthritis!
Warrior Asana Instructions
The starting position is Tadasana (Mountain). Inhale as you raise your arms above your head while bringing your palms together. Exhale and step your right foot forward, and rotate your left foot at a 45-degree angle. With an inhale, bring the hips into a parallel position, and the pelvis into a neutral position.
Keep your hips still as you bend your front knee to a position that feels stable (the ideal knee position is 90 degrees). Look in the direction of the bent knee, and raise your arms at shoulder height with the palms facing the floor. Repeat the same on the other side. Hold the position for 8 to 10 breaths.
Warrior Pose Variations
There are three traditional Warrior postures in yoga, while the fourth posture is actually a variant of the second posture:
- The knee of the front leg is bent, the back leg is straight, the arms are stretched above the head, the chest is turned in the same direction as the bent knee.
- The front knee is bent, the back leg is straight, the arms are extended to the sides in line with the legs, the hips are turned towards the wider side of the mat.
- Balancing on a straight leg, with torso and arms extended horizontally forward and raised leg extended back.
- Reverse Warrior – holding the legs as in variation 2, the back hand rests with the fist on the back leg while the front hand is raised up and back.